Today, for my senior design (capstone) project, I went to Colchester, CT. My group is finishing a feasibility study for a wind turbine installation to the west of the town transfer station and landfill. Work today was to identify and assess the condition of an access road which leads behind the landfill.
After speaking with the Transfer Station attendant, a closer look at our plans and a little investigation it was apparent that the road we were proposing to improve and utilize is on private property (I did not trespass to identify the roadway, it was further from the transfer station than expected, and clearly labeled as private property.)
This means our cost estimates and site plan will have to be modified to reflect a new roadway construction for crane access to the proposed site. The good news it that the trees appear to be small alders mixed with larger oaks, which means we might have grubbing pay for itself.
This means our cost estimates and site plan will have to be modified to reflect a new roadway construction for crane access to the proposed site. The good news it that the trees appear to be small alders mixed with larger oaks, which means we might have grubbing pay for itself.
It was a beautiful day to be out and from the top of the landfill it was a great view (See adjacent photo.) This is a South-Westerly view from the top of the capped landfill. The proposed site for the turbine would be about two hundred feet into the woods on the left of the photo.
Thanks for sharing your example of a capstone project!